3D Scanned Aggregates

Published: 8 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x5dbx8yxdw.1
Sadeep Thilakarathna


This data set consists of 3D scanned aggregate surface mesh files (.stl) arranged according to a particle size distribution curve. Aggregates were scanned using a 3D structured light scanner by placing the aggregates on a wooden turntable and obtaining sufficient number of scans using the 3D scanner by slowly rotating the turntable.


Steps to reproduce

Data was acquired by 3D scanning the aggregates using a structured light scanner. Artec Space Spider 3D scanner was used to scan aggregates. 3D scans were developed using Artec Studio software and further mesh simplications and scaling were done using Meshlab software


Shape Analysis, 3D Analysis, Concrete Technology, Particle Size Distribution, Statistical Shape Analysis, Mesh Parameterization
