Development and Validation of an Aggression Questionnaire for Iranian Adolescents: A Case Study of 14 to 18-Year-Olds in Tehran
A cluster sampling method was employed for the quantitative phase. From Tehran's 22 educational districts, six (Districts 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, and 20) were randomly selected. Within each district, one girls' school and one boys' school were chosen at random. From each school, two classes ranging from seventh to eleventh grades were randomly selected. All students in these classes were considered potential participants. If any student or their parent opted out, another student from the same class was selected. In total, 1100 adolescents participated, with 1051 questionnaires completed. Demographic data collected included gender, age, parents' marital status, education, and occupation.
Steps to reproduce
1-Sampling and Participants Target Population: The study focused on adolescents aged 14 to 18 residing in Tehran, aiming to capture a comprehensive understanding of this demographic's experiences with aggression. For the qualitative phase of the research, purposive sampling was employed to carefully select participants capable of providing detailed insights into the study's subject matter. This approach reached data saturation after 22 interviews, which established the sample size for this segment as no further unique information surfaced. The interview process was meticulously organized, with participants being informed of the interviewer's identity in advance and ethical standards strictly observed, ensuring clarity of the study's goals, voluntary involvement, and confidentiality. The interview questions are comprehensively listed in Appendix 1. In the quantitative phase of the study, a stratified sample of 1100 adolescents from Tehran was methodically selected to ensure statistical validation across various analyses. For concurrent validity, 200 participants were chosen, fitting within the optimal range of 50 to 400. A more extensive group of 500 adolescents was utilized for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to establish a solid factor structure, while confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) involved a sample of 300 to verify the EFA's findings. Lastly, reliability testing was conducted with 100 adolescents to evaluate the questionnaire's consistency. Each sample size was carefully determined based on the specific requirements of the respective statistical validation techniques employed in the study. A cluster sampling method was employed for the quantitative phase. From Tehran's 22 educational districts, six (Districts 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, and 20) were randomly selected. Within each district, one girls' school and one boys' school were chosen at random. From each school, two classes ranging from seventh to eleventh grades were randomly selected. All students in these classes were considered potential participants. If any student or their parent opted out, another student from the same class was selected. In total, 1100 adolescents participated, with 1051 questionnaires completed. Demographic data collected included gender, age, parents' marital status, education, and occupation. Questionnaire Development: Based on the identified domains and concepts, preliminary items were formulated for the aggression questionnaire. Following validation by the research team, a 30-item questionnaire utilizing a 5-point Likert scale was finalized (see Appendix 2).