Geospatial data for California blue carbon case studies from 'Incorporating blue carbon sequestration benefits into sub-national climate policies'

Published: 4 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x5hngc38w3.1
Monica Moritsch,


This dataset consists of raster layers representing carbon stock (T CO2e ha-1), carbon sequestration, and economic value (USD) using the high and low ends of the range of estimated carbon storage. The names and details of each raster are described in the included CSV file. We used a range of carbon sequestration values to measure carbon stock (T CO2e ha-1) in 2016 (start of modeling), 2030, 2060, and 2100. We chose these time points because they are commonly used in coastal planning horizons. We also measured carbon sequestration (T CO2e ha-1) between these time points. We estimated the net present value (USD) of carbon sequestration (removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere) as an ecosystem service at 2030, 2060, and 2100. We used two metrics of valuation: (1) price of one metric ton of carbon on the California Carbon Exchange (assuming the cost of carbon remained stable over the analysis period), (2) the Social Cost of Carbon, or the cost of societal damages from each additional ton of carbon in the atmosphere. We generated raster layers for each carbon modeling output using the InVEST Coastal Blue Carbon Model from the Natural Capital Project. For each location, time horizon, and high/low estimate, we created one raster for each of the four carbon metrics described above. We listed these output rasters in a CSV spreadsheet with details on which modeling scenario they correspond to and their file paths. All rasters were originally projected in NAD_1983_Albers using ArcMap. We modeled several alternative scenarios for the future of tidal marshes. For all three case study locations, we projected the values of carbon metrics if the marsh extent were to remain stable across the modeling period. This was referred to as the No Change scenario. For Humboldt Bay, we modeled the restoration of McDaniel Slough (McDaniel Slough Restoration scenario). In Tijuana River Estuary, we modeled carbon metrics based on based on changes in marsh cover since 1850 (Historic to Modern Landscape).


Steps to reproduce

Please refer to the Methods section and supplemental/appendix material of 'Incorporating blue carbon sequestration benefits into sub-national climate policies'. This document will be linked here upon publication.


Stanford University


Wetlands, Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration, Carbon Storage, Carbon, Marine Biology, Aquatic Biology, Coastal Wetland, Carbon Credit
