Instance Generator for the CFLP with convex production costs

Published: 31 August 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x5xcyn7w93.1
Andreas Klose


C++ program that includes convex production costs (either quadratic or inverse cost functions) to linear cost instances generated with the CFLP insstance generator for the linear cost case (cf. DOI: 10.17632/vhst7gvh7j.1).


Steps to reproduce

After compilation the executable file is called "qcoeff" and can be invoked using one of the following two commands qcoeff datafile qcoeff datafile inverse The first command line parameter, "datafile", is the CFLP data file for the linear cost generated by the CFLP instance generator from DOI: 10.17632/vhst7gvh7j.1. If the first type of command is used, then a quadratic cost function of the type h(u) = a + b*u*u is appended to the data file. Here u denotes the total demand allocated to a depot, a=0 and b is the quadratic cost coefficient. In the second case, an inverse cost function of type h(u) = b / (s-u) is created, where s is a depot's capacity. The output, i.e. the cost data for each potential depot site, is send to the terminal. Requires Data or the data generator for the linear CFLP instances (cf.


Aarhus Universitet Science and Technology


Computer Program
