Overview of FACS gating strategies in PolyloxExpress HSC experiment

Published: 14 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x63cs3hfzx.1
Fuwei Shang


Surface marker combinations used for isolation of indicated cell populations. Surface markers indicated above the first plot of each panel were used to pre-define the indicated population. Pre-gatings for size (FSC, SSC) and live cells (Sytox blue-) not shown. (A) Sort gates of erythrocyte progenitors (EryP II and EryP III) from bone marrow. (B) Sort gates for HSC (LT+ST), MPP from LSK compartment (upper right), and CMP, GMP, MEP from LK compartment (lower right) from bone marrow. (C) Sort gates for CLP in bone marrow. (D) Sort gates for proB cells (fraction (Fra) B and Fr. C) in bone marrow. (E) Sort gates of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells from spleen. (F) Sort gates of granulocytes from bone marrow. (G and H) Sort gates of conventional B (B2) cells (G), and monocytes (H) from spleen. (I) Sort gates of preT cells (DN2 and DN3) from the thymus.


Steps to reproduce

See STAR Methods for detailed antibody list and marker phenotypes.


Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Zentralbibliothek, Heidelberg University


Cell Lineage, Hematopoietic Stem Cell, Cellular Immunology
