Dataset on cadaveric human abdominal aorta aneurysm biomechanics (uniaxial) and histology

Published: 7 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x64srrc39p.1
Vivian Carla Gomes,


The present dataset is a collection of information about the biomechanical behavior and histological characterization of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) harvested during the autopsy procedure. The primary hypothesis of the present research is: Do cadaveric AAA walls, when previously stressed by inflation, conserve significant resistance against tearing comparable to no previously stressed aortas described in the literature? Eight AAAs (6 fusiform and two saccular) were carefully dissected and had their branches ligated with cotton or prolene sutures. Each specimen was submitted to intraluminal pressurization, up to the rupture of their wall. This pressurization was made through the inflation of an air balloon inside the specimens up to their rupture. From the border of the rupture sites, and from the proximal (control sample 1) and distal (control sample 2) no dilated portions of each vessel, samples were harvested for uniaxial tensile tests, and histological analysis. The uniaxial tensile test utilized the INSTRON SPEC 2200 device and was coordinated by INSPEC software and SERIES IX software. The essential variables collected through this test are failure stress, failure tension, and failure strain. Each sample test generated a chart representing the relationship between stress and strain. The histological analysis included hematoxylin-eosin, Picrocirius, and Voerhoeff stains. Unfortunately, some samples were lost, especially during histological processing. A comparative quantitative analysis between the groups was made using the software Pannoramic Viewer and Case Viewer.1 Notable findings: Even after being stretched/stressed up to their rupture, the specimens conserved uniaxial biomechanical properties comparable to AAA and normal aorta samples previously described in the literature by Monteiro e Nynomiya respectively.2,3 DATA DESCRIPTION: a) Biomechanical Data: As explained above, four samples were collected for each specimen, two from each side of the rupture border and two control samples, one from a proximal and a second from a distal region of the vessel. It is important to highlight here that some samples did not produce valid biomechanical tests, so they do not have their results included here. For each valid sample test, three documents are generated: 1. Stress X strain chart 2. Table (excel file containing all the values related to the stress X strain chart 3. A report from the Biomechanical test software containing details of the test All charts contain a notification in their left upper corner about the failure stress, strain and tension of each sample. b) Histological Data: The percentage of coverage of collagen fibers and elastin fibers is expressed in table I in decimal numbers (for example, 0.36 = 36%). Similarly to the sampling for biomechanical tests, four samples were harvested from each aorta, when it was feasible. Ps.: All Case C samples were lost during processing



Universidade de Sao Paulo


Histology, Biomechanics, Vascular Surgery, Collagen, Elastin, Tensile Testing, Mechanical Deformation, Elastic Deformation, Strain, Abdominal Aorta, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Aneurysm, Autopsy
