ISM-hydro and OpenFOAM: a quantitative comparison
This dataset is related to manuscript [1] and software [2] by the same authors. OpenFOAM_shaped_case.7z : OpenFOAM 10 ready-to-run case and simulation results for shaped implosion test case (ii) described in manuscript [1], see README for details. Especially, data are used to generate Fig. 3(c), Fig. 6(c) and Figs. 8-13 of manuscript [1]. shaped_case.mp4 : Vertical fluid layer deformations, pressure field p, angular velocity field ω, and axial velocity field vz in OpenFOAM and ISM-hydro for shaped implosion test case (ii) described in manuscript [1]. [1] I. V. Khalzov, D. Krotez, R. Ségas, An interface tracking, finite volume code for modeling axisymmetric implosion of a rotating liquid metal liner with free surface, manuscript in preparation [2] I. V. Khalzov, D. Krotez, R. Ségas, ISM-hydro: an interface tracking, finite volume code for modeling axisymmetric implosion of a rotating liquid metal liner with free surface, (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software], Zenodo (October 2023). doi:10.5281/zenodo.8423698. URL
Steps to reproduce
OpenFOAM 10 case is ready-to-run: simply run the simulation with the "compressibleInterFoam" command (running in parallel on a cluster is recommended). A large subset of simulation results is uploaded for convenience (see time directories and "postProcessing" directory). The animation is generated from OpenFOAM data ("postProcessing" directory of "OpenFOAM_shaped_case.7z") and ISM-hydro data (can be generated with the code located at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8423698).