Factors associated with low birth registration in Yaoundé II Subdivision, Cameroon: a cross-sectional study

Published: 31 January 2025| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/x6rpzwzxn2.2


The registration of births plays a significant role in managing the health system and offers valuable information for enhancing the effectiveness of the health system in monitoring advancements towards health-related development objectives. In Cameroon, approximately 40% of children below the age of 5 are not officially registered at the civil registry office. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence the low registration of births in Yaoundé II Subdivision, Cameroon. Between April 22 and May 21, 2022; a descriptive study took place at the Yaoundé II City Council as an integral part of a citizen sensitization campaign led by the mayor. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the census and issuance of birth certificates. Data were collected through in-person questionnaires administered to parents involved in the campaign.


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From November 2021 to May 2022, we conducted a cross-sectional analytical study focusing on households in Yaoundé II subdivision, Mfoundi division of the Centre Region in Cameroon. All households found in Yaoundé II with at least a child not having a birth certificate and attending the campaign, were eligible for the study. The sample was chosen using a systematic random sampling approach. A questionnaire assessing knowledge on birth registration, and the registration status of children in the household was administered. Assuming a prevalence of unregistered children under five years of 38%, with a confidence limit of 95% and a precision 5%, led to a sample of 362. To minimize the number of non-respondents and assuming 15% of non-respondents, we obtained a final sample of 414 children. The questionnaires were created and implemented on the Epicollect platform, utilizing smartphones and tablets for data collection. Prior to the commencement of data collection, all participants were provided with comprehensive information about the study and gave their voluntary consent. The questionnaires, administered through the Epicollect mobile app, were designed to maintain anonymity and ensure confidentiality for the parents or guardians completing them. The questionnaires primarily relied on self-reported information, as participants were asked to respond to various questions and provide details according to the questionnaire's format. Age was automatically calculated using the provided "date of birth" data. Participants' self-reported information was cross-checked with their ID cards for verification. In cases where participants could not recall their precise birth dates, the default value of January 1st was used. We described all surveyed participants (parents or tutors). Knowledge on birth registration and registration status of children were described using frequencies. We computed the prevalence of unregistered children based on the total number of children in a household and the total number of those having a birth certificate and use participants’ characteristics to study the association with poor birth registration.


Universite de Yaounde I


Birth Certificate
