Dataset of Breast mammography images with Masses

Published: 17 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x7bvzv6cvr.1
Mei-Ling Huang, Ting-Yu Lin


The dataset combining four breast density categories with breast mass labeled benign or malignant, there are 8 categories in our classification task. The eight categories are: (1) The category of breast density is 1 and breast mass is benign (Density1+Benign) (2) The category of breast density is 1 and breast mass is malignant (Density1+Malignant) (3) The category of breast density is 2 and breast mass is benign (Density2+Benign) (4) The category of breast density is 2 and breast mass is malignant (Density2+Malignant (5) The category of breast density is 3 and breast mass is benign (Density3+Benign) (6) The category of breast density is 3 and breast mass is malignant (Density3+Malignant) (7) The category of breast density is 4 and breast mass is benign (Density4+Benign) (8) The category of breast density is 4 and breast mass is malignant (Density4+Malignant). In addition, the data contains images before and after data augmentation, and the image matrix was 224 x 224 or 227 x 227.



Biomedical Imaging
