Marine tetrapods recorded from beach monitoring conducted by MUCIN/CECLIMAR/UFRGS along the coastline of Itapeva State Park, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, between 2012 and 2023
This dataset brings together 359 records of tetrapods recorded from beach surveys carried out by the MUCIN/CECLIMAR/UFRGS research team, between 2012 and 2023, along the coastline of Itapeva State Park, Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil.
Steps to reproduce
Between 2012 and 2023 we conducted weekly beach surveys to document occurrence patterns of stranded marine tetrapod carrion in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In alternating weeks we covered two complementary areas: (1) 80 km from Itapeva in Torres (29º 21’ S; 49º 44’ W) to Imbé (29º 58.516’ S; 50º 7.125’ W), and (2) 50 km from Tramandaí (29º 58.773’ S; 50º 7.215’ W) to Dunas Altas in Palmares do Sul (30º 24’ S; 50º 17’ W). In total, we covered ~130 km of coastline every 15 days. The beach surveys were carried out using a four-wheel-drive pickup truck at a speed up to 40 km h-1, with 2-4 observers scanning the entire beach from the wash zone up to the base of the dunes. The data collection protocol for beached marine tetrapods was standardized including taxon (as specific as possible), date, geographical location, and decomposition state as follows: 1 = alive; 2 = freshly dead; 3 = moderate decomposition; 4 = advanced decomposition; 5 = mummified or skeletal remains; nr= not recorded. Each item of marine tetrapod carrion was collected and/or marked with spray paint to avoid multiple counting. We only collected selected specimens from rare or target species (for research projects). Vouchers were kept in the scientific collections of the Museu de Ciências Naturais (MUCIN) from the UFRGS.