Diversity and evolution of chitin synthases in oomycetes
Supporting data for our paper on "Diversity and evolution of chitin synthases in oomycetes". File S1 contains the full-length CHS sequences separated into clades (P1 and 2, S1-6, E. dicksonii, and 3 outgroups). S2 is like S1, but CHS motifs a-h only. Files S3a and S3b contains the sequences spanning the MIT domain. S3b contains an alternative version where the Pfam-identified domains where picked out from sequences alignment by MUSCLE. Files S4a-S4c contains the multiple sequence alignments for full-length CHSs from Clustal Omega v1.2.4, MAFFT v7.215, and MUSCLE v3.8.31. Files S5a-S5c contains the multiple sequence alignments for the MIT domain from Clustal Omega v1.2.4, MAFFT v7.215, and MUSCLE v3.8.31. Files S6a-S6c contains the multiple sequence alignments for the MIT domain from Clustal Omega v1.2.4, MAFFT v7.215, and MUSCLE v3.8.31. S7 contains the multiple sequence alignment used to generate supplementary fig. S5. S8a and S8b contains the tree in Newick format that where used to produced Suppl Figure S7. Files S9a-S9c contains the multiple sequence alignments from Clustal Omega v1.2.4, MAFFT v7.215, and MUSCLE v3.8.31 for the MIT domain and its upstream region of the Pfam seed. NOTE: these multiple sequence alignments are in a different format than in the other supplementary files due to long sequence identifiers