Physical profile data of Lake Qiandaohu in the spring and summer in 2014
The data were used in the paper entitled of "Variations in subsurface chlorophyll maximum during thermal stratification in a large, deep subtropical reservoir". These data were collected from Lake Qiandaohu in the May and July 2014, the number of samples were 120. Shared data include the SCM(μg/L), SCM_Depth(m), SCM_thickness(m),TDN(mg/L), TDP(mg/L), MLD(m), Zeu(m) and Thermocline bottom depth (m).
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Field investigations were conducted 27-29 May (late spring) and 29-31 July (midsummer) in 2014, and they covered 60 sampling stations each time. Tw and ChlF profiles were measured using a YSI EXO2 7-channel sonde (Yellow Springs Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, USA). Then, these profiles were used to generate the MLD and SCM paramters. Profiles of photosynthetically active (PAR,400–700 nm) were measured using a Li-Cor underwater quantum sensor (LI-192SA) connected to a Li-Cor 1400 datalogger.These values were used to calculate the diffuse attenuation coefficient [Kd(PAR)] and the euphotic depth of 1% surface PAR intensity (Zeu).TDN and TDP were assayed on filtered water samples after digestion with alkaline potassium persulfate (K2S2O8 + NaOH). TDN was determined by spectrophotometry at 210 nm after digestion, and TDP by the molybdenum blue method. More details can be found in the publication of Liu et al.(2019)