Dataset of Entrepreneurship Achievement Motivation: Factor Analysis
This data are presented in the form of .xlsx and .docs are divided into three files. The first file (Appendix of Dataset of Entrepreneurship Achievement Motivation) consists of three worksheets: 1) Appendix 1. The questionnaire, 2) Appendix 2. Raw data of EFA, and 3) Appendix 3. Raw data of CFA. The Second file (Figure of Dataset of Entrepreneurship Achievement Motivation), there is one figure in the file. The Third file (Table of Dataset of Entrepreneurship Achievement Motivation) consists of three worksheets: 1) Table 1. Descriptive statistics (EFA; Study 1), 2) Table 2. Instrument items and factor loadings, and 3) Table 3. Description and comparison of EFA and CFA statistics for entrepreneurship achievement motivation measures items. Data was taken from 683 respondents from 16 provinces in Indonesia.