Open dataset results from IDEA4 method

Published: 5 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xc26tczzbb.1
Quentin Bellanger


From the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) and the interprofessional association Bio Centre jointly initiated the SOBRIETY project, which aims (i) to assess the sustainability of farming systems in the Centre-Val de Loire region, France, and (ii) to point out the drivers that contribute to farm sustainability. To do so, 47 farms were surveyed with the released Farm Sustainability Indicators version 4 (IDEA4) method. IDEA4 assess both 3-dimensions (agroecological, socio-territorial and economic) and 5-attributes (embeddedness, self-sufficiency, productive and reproductive capacity of goods and services, Overall responsibility, and robustness) of sustainability at farm-scale. Each dimensions are based on components and associated indicators. Scoring process is based on hierarchical classification, aggregation score and threshold rules. The dataset provide three types of informations : - Biotechnical features : Those data were used to group farms into 3 farming systems based on a hierarchical clustering. - 3 Dimensions, 13 components and 53 indicators results for the three farming systems identified through the clustering. - 5 Attribute indicator scores per farming systems. The last Excel sheet provides the R code used (version 4.1.3) for statistical analysis (2-Way ANOVA and PCAs).


Steps to reproduce

Data acquisition was carried out in 4 successive stages. First, about 60 farmers were contacted by phone to determine whether they were interested in both participating to the project and sharing their practices. Then, a semi-directive survey was conducted using the grid provided by the IDEA4 method, lasting approximately 3 to 4 hours, to gather data on the farm, spanning economic, social and agronomic aspects. Next, the data collected was processed using the Excel spreadsheet developed along with the IDEA4 method, which makes it possible to assess tridimensional and attributes sustainability performance. Finally, sustainability results from the 47 farms were compiled in an Excel database based on the sustainability levels (i.e., dimensions, components or indicators).




Agronomy Scientific Tools, Livestock Practice, Agronomy Sustainability, Best Management Practice in Agriculture, Farming Systems, Statistics in Agriculture, Agricultural Policy, Design for Sustainability


European Commission
