Database Review Organic Gaseous Pollutants in Indoor Conservation Spaces
Sheet 1 - Database 1: Detection Instruments - Active (A) or Passive (P) samplers and Continuous monitoring (C) devices for detecting concentration of the main organic gaseous pollutants in indoor conservation spaces. - Rows: Instrumentation employed for detecting each gaseous organic pollutant. - Column headings: Commercial name; Operation type (i.e., Laboratory-analysed or Direct-read); Working principle (e.g., Liquid Chromatography, Ion Chromatography, Gas Chromatography); Typical exposure time (e.g., minutes, hours, days); Time average (i.e., hourly, weekly, monthly); Number of sites investigated employing this instrumentation; Article references. Sheet 2 - Database 2: Pollutant Concentrations - Details on case-study sites, building features, sampling conditions, and detected concentrations for each of the main organic gaseous pollutants in indoor conservation spaces. - Rows: Case studies, categorized by single pollutant. - Column headings: Site name; Cultural Heritage Material stored at the site; Reference; Site type (i.e., museum/gallery, archive/library, worship place, palace/castle); Historical or Modern Building; Country; European or non-European country; City; Area (e.g., urban, rural); Koppen classification; Sampling position (e.g., exhibition room, storage, enclosure); Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (presence or absence); Temperature and Relative Humidity monitoring (performed or not performed); Reference to suggested limits (presence or absence); Maximum rate of air exchanges within the conservation environment (Air Changes per Hour); Instrument type; Instrument name; Sampling length; Sampling rate (and total volume); Mean indoor concentration (ppb); Minimum indoor concentration (ppb); Maximum indoor concentration (ppb); Mean outdoor concentration (ppb); Minimum outdoor concentration (ppb); Maximum outdoor concentration (ppb); Indoor/Outdoor ratio. Data extraction: Concentration data were extracted from scientific literature (references). Concentration values originally provided as “μg m−3” were converted to “ppb” for consistency and comparability, applying standard conversion methods based on molecular weight and standard conditions of temperature and pressure.
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The document selection process was carried out in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flow diagram (Page et al., 2021). Combinations of 12 keywords (i.e., Museum, Air, Monitoring, Microclimate, Pollutants, Environment, Organic, Gaseous, Gases, Acetic acid, Formic acid, Showcase) were arranged using the Boolean operator "AND". Two academic search engines were utilized to retrieve documents matching the keyword query: for Scopus, the search was conducted in the fields "Abstract, Article Title, Keywords," whereas for Web of Science (WoS), the search was performed under the "Topic" category. The search covered the time span from January 1990 to December 2023. Articles were included in the selection if the instrumentation described was applied to case studies and if monitored concentration data were explicitly provided.