Data for: Molecular characterization of the 5S rDNA non transcribed spacer and reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in Capsicum

Published: 10 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xcrmb7m7y8.1
Mauro Grabiele,


This contribution contains data associated to the research article entitled “Molecular characterization of the 5S rDNA non transcribed spacer and reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in Capsicum” [1]. By means of molecular and computational biology approaches involving extensive data analyses, we provide a resource encompassing the full characterization and annotation of the 5S ribosomal (rDNA) non transcribed spacer (NTS) of chili peppers and overall related sequences in Solanaceae at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank [2]. The generated data is pivotal for upcoming characterization and reference annotation of comparable repetitive regions throughout the family and related taxa, from small to genomic scale projects, and become an essential resource for germplasm characterization and evolutionary studies in Solanaceae. The fully annotated sequencing data of chili peppers presented here is available at the Nucleotide database of the DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the accessions MK650892-1009 and JF773766.



CONICET Nordeste


Molecular Biology, Computational Biology
