Published: 13 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xd7777kvdn.1
John Mutyaba


Raw dataset on Knownledge, Attitudes and Perceptions (KAP), collected from the survey on Smallholder cage farmers around Lake Victoria in Uganda.


Steps to reproduce

The survey study took place between March and December 2021 and involved 384 respondents, specifically smallholder cage fish farmers. These respondents were selected randomly from thirteen Districts surrounding Lake Victoria in Uganda. Data collected during the survey was initially input into an Excel spreadsheet and later transferred to STATA Version 15 SE for analysis. The compilation of lists of smallholder cage fish farmers was accomplished with the assistance of District Fisheries Officers. The data collection process utilized semi-structured questionnaires, and each respondent provided their consent before participating in the study. The study employed a multi-stage sampling procedure to select the respondents. Initially, Lake Victoria on the Ugandan side was deliberately chosen due to the government's promotion of cage fish farming over the past two decades. Subsequently, the thirteen Districts, namely Bugiri, Buikwe, Busia, Buvuma, Jinja, Kalangala, Kampala, Kyotera, Masaka, Mayuge, Mukono, Namayingo, and Wakiso, were also intentionally selected because they are areas where cage fish farming is practiced. Finally, a simple random sampling method was used to select the required number of respondents from the chosen districts. The compilation of the list of smallholder cage fish farmers was done in collaboration with District Fisheries Officers and Beach Management officials from the respective thirteen districts covered in the study. Regarding data analysis, both descriptive and econometric regression methods were employed after data collection. Descriptive statistics, including percentiles, means, and standard deviations, were computed to gain insights into the demographic, institutional, and socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. Additionally, a multinomial logistic regression model was applied to examine the influence of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) among smallholder cage fish farmers toward cage culture technologies. The choice of multinonial regression model was based on its suitability for estimating interpretable coefficients that quantify the relationship between the selected explanatory variables and the outcome variable.


Uganda Christian University


Social Sciences


Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)

