Data for: Structural equation modeling applied to internet consumption forecast in Brazil
Variables Economic: Domestic credit to private sector; GDP; GDP per capita; Gross capital formation; Gross domestic income; Gross domestic savings; Gross national expenditure; Gross savings; Net investment in nonfinancial assets; Population, total; Unemployment rate (World Bank, 2019c) Innovation: R&D employees IBGE and Firms IBGE (2019c); Firms that spend on R&D (World Bank, 2019a), R&D expenditure, Researchers in R&D and Technicians in R&D (UNESCO, 2019); and Scientific and technical journal articles (NSF, 2019). Internet supply: Households with computers IBGE and Households connected to the internet IBGE (2019a); Fixed broadband subscriptions, Fixed telephone subscriptions and Individuals using the Internet (ITU, 2019). Technologic: Telecommunications employees, Telecommunications companies, Information and communications technology employees and Information and communications technology companies (IBGE, 2019c); Valores do Índice de Serviços de Telecomunicações (Anatel, 2019); Investment in ICT with private participation (World Bank, 2019b); Information and communication sector activity Index IBGE (2019b); High-technology exports (United Nations, 2019). Internet consumption: Internet consumption (ITU, 2018). References ANATEL (2019). Valores do Índice de Serviços de Telecomunicações (IST). Retrieved January 02, 2020, form IBGE (2019a). Domicílios particulares permanentes (existência de microcomputador, acesso à Internet e tipo de telefone). Retrieved January 02, 2020, form IBGE (2019b). Série encadeada do índice de volume trimestral da atividade de informação e comunicação. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form IBGE (2019c). Unidades locais e pessoal ocupado por atividade. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form ITU (2018). Measuring the Information Society Report 2017. Geneva: ITU. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form ITU (2019). World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report and database. NSF (2019). Science and Engineering Indicators. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form UNESCO (2019). Institute for Statistics, Science, Technology & Innovation. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form United Nations (2019). Comtrade database through the WITS platform. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form World Bank (2019a). Enterprise Surveys. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form World Bank (2019b). Private Participation in Infrastructure Project Database. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form World Bank (2019c). World Development Indicators. Retrieved January 02, 2020, form
Steps to reproduce
The necessary steps for reproducing the calculations are detailed in Libório et al. (2020). Libório, M. P., Ekel, P. Y., Lyrio, R. D. M., Bernardes, P., Soares, G. L., & Machado-Coelho, T. M. (2020). Structural Equation Modeling Applied to Internet Consumption Forecast in Brazil. IEEE Access, 8, 161816-161824.