"HERMES CO2" – a tool to assess carbon dioxide emissions during production, construction and use stages of asphalt pavements
Published: 4 November 2021| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/xf5cvrkwps.4
, , , , , , , , , Description
"HERMES CO2" spreadsheet tool assesses the amount of carbon dioxide CO2 emissions generated during the life of an asphalt pavement considering production stage, construction stage and use stage. "HERMES CO2" spreadsheet tool comprises inputs that are seldom touched in other tools designed to indicatively quantify CO2 emissions. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach is implemented. The work is part of the “HERMES” international research project.
Sustainability, Asphalt, Life Cycle Assessment, Pavement Evaluation, Carbon Dioxide Emission Assessment