Data for: Stable isotope analysis of the Gwebin mammalian fauna (late Pliocene, central Myanmar) and its implication to paleoenvironmental changes in late Neogene of central Myanmar
Isotopic composition of treated samples was measured on a Gasbench II coupled to a Finnigan Delta V Mass Spectrometer at the University of South Florida. The CO2 samples were run in continuous flow mode after reaction with 103% phosphoric acid (100% H3PO4 with excess P2O5) at 25 °C for 24 hours (McCrea, 1950). Seven replicate samples of Carrara Marble (an internal standard which has been assigned a value of δ13C=+2.01‰, δ18O=−1.79‰, based on analysis with respect to NBS-19, δ13C=+1.95‰, δ18O=−2.20‰) and NBS-18 carbonatite (13C=−5.04‰, δ18O=−23.05‰, NIST, 1992) were analyzed in each run of 60 samples. Standard deviation of replicate analyses for both isotope values was 0.15‰. Stable isotope data were reported in the conventional delta () notation for carbon (13C) and oxygen (18O) relative to V-PDB (Vienna-Pee Dee Belemnite, i.e., PDB expressed in terms of NBS-19): =[(R sample/R standard)−1]×1000‰, where R denotes 13C/12C or 18O/16O. The statistical analyses were carried out using PAST (version 3.20).