Influence of ambient temperature on the photosynthetic activity and phenolic content of the intertidal Cystoseira compressa along the Italian coastline - data and scripts
Published: 4 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xfvykctgp6.1
Francesco Paolo MancusoDescription
This data repository comprises the data and computer codes needed to replicate the analyses carried out in the paper “Influence of ambient temperature on the photosynthetic activity and phenolic content of the intertidal Cystoseira compressa along the Italian coastline”
Steps to reproduce
The html files contain the R codes used to make the statistical analyses, figures and tables of the paper entitled "Influence of ambient temperature on the photosynthetic activity and phenolic content of the intertidal Cystoseira compressa along the Italian coastline"
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
Natural Sciences, Marine Biology