Data for: Thermal imaging relative surface temperature as an indicator of plant species diversity and restoration progress

Published: 10 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xfxst9ztm7.1
Jonas Hamberg


This dataset contains all data used in the manuscript by Hamberg, Fraser, Robinson, Trant and Murphy. The hypotheses is that surface temperature will decrease with increasing vegetation diversity, that native diversity is better at decreasing temperature and that surface temperature will decrease over time in restoration areas. We find support for all three of these hypotheses. The dataset contains one xls-file with multiple sheets. A summary of the sheets are presented below: 1. "LEF_veg_data_by_plot_2007-2018" - Includes all vegetation data used in the manuscript. This is a subset of all vegetation data provided by Nature Conservancy of Canada. Any missing data points have been removed and species richness and diversity only include when species were identified to species level. For the full dataset of all sampling done at the site contact me and I can put you in contact with the appropriate NCC staff to get permission to share. 2. "LEF_veg_temp_data_means" - The same data as above but taking the means of each plot transect. Mean relative surface temperature (TempPerM) and mean relative NDVI (NDVI_diff) is also included in this sheet. This data is what underlies the testing of the first and second hypotheses. The 'Type' column indicates if transect was in Active or Passive restoration. 3. "LEF_tempdata" - All temperature data used from the Lake Erie Farms site, including that of the mature forest reference areas. 4. "LEF_NDVIdata" - As above but for NDVI instead of temperature. 5. "ECOSTRESS_paired_data" - shows the diurnal temperature variation for the paired measurements from 2018 ECOSTRESS and (one) Landsat measurements (Paired_diff) for each restoration area and the days since restoration for each field. 6. "ECOSTRESS_all_data" - Same data but unpaired and including the second Landsat reading that was removed due to being taken in June, further away from the other readings seasonally. 7. "Temp_31_fields_post_restoration" - the relative temperature (%tempdiff) for all 31 restoration fields over time since restoration, including relative NDVI. Also includes the air temperature, humidity and wind speed from the Delhi, Ontario weather station as near as possible in time to when the image was taken. Also indicates if 100, >90% and >75% of each area was imaged correctly (i.e. no lost pixels or cloud cover within 200 meters of that pixel). Only areas with >75% of pixels remaining in both the restoration area and the paired mature forest area were retained. 8. "Temp_31_fields_pre_restoration" - Same as above but with the data from before restoration for each field. These sheets are divided as the statistical analysis was made separately on the pre-restoration and post-restoration data. 9. "Temp_31_incl_mature" - All data as above but also including temperature of the paired mature forest areas.



Remote Sensing, Ecosystem Restoration, Ecological Restoration, Ecosystem Diversity, Thermal Imaging, Landsat Satellite
