Communication functions of bug comments in OSS proyects (dataset)

Published: 22 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xfzv59fht2.1
Sandra L. Ramírez-Mora, Hanna Oktaba, Helena Gómez-Adorno, Gerardo Sierra


This dataset includes 6000 comments of bugs tagged manually according to their communication functions. The dataset also includes information of more than 500,000 comments and 89,000 closed bugs from 100 OSS projects stored in three Issue Tracking Systems (Apache's ITS, Spring's ITS and Red Hat's ITS). The data include the bug fixing time, the bug resolution, and the following variables related to the communication functions of bug comments: the percentage of comments with referential, emotive, conative and phatic messages; and the number of comments with referential, emotive, conative and phatic messages of each bug. These variables were calculated using a machine learning approach and the comments tagged manually.



Software Engineering
