Output Mode in USN - Multi-Length Line Bisection database

Published: 8 March 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/xg5jdt4s2s.2
shay ofir


This is a dataset of 9 patients with left USN without hemiplegia who performed a multi-length line bisection test (Marshal & Halligan, 1989) using the left and the right hands. Each row describes the signed displacement and the proportional displacement (signed displacement divided by line length) of the marked line center, relative to the actual center. The test conditions Side (R =Right hand; L = Left hand) , time after stroke onset (weeks), timing period (t1 = early subacute, < 7 weeks; t2 = late subacute, 7 - 13 weeks; t3 = delayed phase, > 13 weeks) and hand direction (either natural, i.e. adduction, or abduction) and line length (18, 36, ... 180mm; 10 possible line lengths). The observation number is arbitrary. The worksheet Demographic contains information about the patients' age, gender and years of education. Ten age-matched volunteers (mean age 60, range 46 to 67) without any history of neurological impairment were also recruited as controls and underwent the same line bisection procedure. Their data appears in a separate file.


Steps to reproduce

Patients and healthy controls underwent a multi-length line bisection task, as in a previous report of OME in USN (Halligan and Marshal, 1989), in which a series of black lines, 1 mm wide, of 10 different lengths (18, 36, … 180 millimeters), each drawn in the center of a separate sheet of white A4 paper, served as stimuli. Each stimulus length was presented 10 times in pseudo-random order. The patients were seated in front of a desk and the line stimuli were presented one at a time, with the midpoint of the line aligned to the patients' mid-sagittal plane. The patients were instructed to mark the midpoint of the line with an extra-fine pen, without time restriction. Bisection was done in a natural adduction approach (right hand starting from the right and left hand from the left). The displacement of the subjective midpoint from the true midpoint was measured with an accuracy of 1 mm. Each patient bisected 2 sets of lines, one with each hand, always starting with the right hand and then proceeding to the left hand.


Loewenstein Hospital Rehabilitation Center


Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuropsychology
