Humanism Music Education: Suka Hardjana Teaching Style at Indonesia Art College

Published: 25 August 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/xgksnrc3vr.2
Hery Budiawan


This study aims to see the teaching style of Suka Hardjana as an Indonesian music figure. Independent learning which has recently been crowded from basic education to higher education.The word Merdeka is still much debated among academics and critics of Education. Freedom to learn in intellectual understanding makes students subjects not objects in the world of education. Methods in qualitative research with a case study approach. Where this approach the object of research can be group, region or personal because there is something interesting about the object. The results of this study are very clear Suka Hardjana in his teaching style is very close to the concept of Paulo Feire. Where to prioritize humanists when teaching both in the classroom and outside the classroom. The word humanist is very attached to the figure of Suka Hardjana. In addition, the teaching he offers is also in critical regional settings. Because universities do not produce graduates who are ready to work must give birth to those who are ready to think (intellectual). For this reason, it is very relevant to the concept that is independent learning today. However, teaching with independent learning today actually makes students. not free with their rights, especially carrying the word dehumanization instead of humanist.


Steps to reproduce

1. **Choose a Topic and Define the Focus:** Select a specific aspect of humanistic education you want to discuss in your article. Do you want to talk about the fundamental principles, their application in the classroom, their impact on students, or something else? Establish a clear focus to give your article a definite direction. 2. **Conduct In-depth Research:** Gather accurate and relevant information about humanistic education from various sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reliable websites. Make sure you understand the underlying concepts and principles. 3. **Plan the Article Structure:** Create the framework for your article. This could include an introduction, development, and conclusion. Divide the development section into several subsections to help organize the information systematically. 4. **Introduction:** Begin with an engaging introduction that explains why humanistic education is an important topic and captures the reader's interest. Briefly define what humanistic education is. 5. **Development:** a. **Principles of Humanistic Education:** Explain the main principles of humanistic education, such as the emphasis on personal development, meaningful learning experiences, and the teacher-student relationship. b. **Application in Practice:** Provide concrete examples of how humanistic education is implemented in the classroom. You can discuss teaching methods, evaluation approaches, and ways to appreciate each student's uniqueness. c. **Impact on Students:** Discuss how humanistic education can influence students' cognitive, emotional, and social development. Include research or case studies that support your statements. 6. **Conclusion:** Summarize the key points you've discussed and reaffirm why humanistic education has a positive impact in the context of education. 7. **Edit and Revise:** Reread your article, check for language fluency, the appropriateness of arguments, and consistency. Ensure the article is easily understandable and free from grammar or spelling errors. 8. **Sources and References:** Include a list of the sources you've used in your article. Make sure to reference them properly for the information to be verifiable.


Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Arts and Humanities, Music, Education, Learning
