Recording of Breast Milk Volume in Response to Multisensory Stimuli: A Case-Control Study

Published: 29 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xhk552kmnt.1
Carla Cuya


Breast milk is recognized as the optimal food for newborns, but various factors can limit its production in mothers. Premature births often result in separation between mother and child, which could negatively impact breast milk production in these mothers. In many countries, the lack of milk banks that can supplement nutrition when the mother is not available leads to the use of infant formulas, which have been shown to not be the ideal option compared to breast milk. The purpose of this study and the associated data set was to investigate the effect of multisensory stimuli on breast milk production in mothers of preterm infants. The goal is to provide solid evidence on how these stimuli can positively influence breast milk production in this specific context.



Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria de Arequipa


Human Milk
