Content validation of Physical & vocational rehabilitation in Paraplegics: An Interview Guide (PVRP-IG)
The content validity of Physical & vocational rehabilitation in Paraplegics: An Interview Guide (PVRP-IG) was validated by a group of 9 experts. After the suggestions and modifications suggested by them, a final draft was obtained. The excel provided with the name "Content validation of PVRP-IG" is the original excel obtained from google forms. It contains all the raw responses received from experts. The second sheet in the excel contains the scores for calculation of S-CVI and I-CVI for individual items. Items with score of 3 and 4 was given 1 scoring and items getting score of 1 and 2 were scored 0. After the calculation of I-CVI, the items having I-CVI value less that 0.7 were deleted, between 0.70 to 0.77 the items were revised and then the final interview schedule with 15 questions was generated.