Counselors' counseling strategies for bullies

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xjybbxsgxd.1
Li-Ming Chen


This study explored counseling strategies employed by counselors when working with bullies and their perceived effectiveness. A total of 152 responses endorsed by school counselors and counseling psychologists in Taiwan were included in this study. Through self-developed questionnaires and Rasch analysis, the research examined the frequency of use and perceived effectiveness of various counseling strategies.


Steps to reproduce

he paper questionnaire was administered in June 2023 during the Bullying Counselor Professional Workshop organized by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. The participants included approximately 160 counselors and psychologists attending the workshop. Before the event commenced, attendees were invited to participate in the survey. They were provided with an explanation of the survey through both written instructions and verbal communication. The participants were assured that participation was voluntary, the questionnaire was anonymous, and all data would be kept confidential. They were informed that they could cease participation at any time and were free to ask questions. Potential risks, such as discomfort during the survey, were explained, and potential benefits of participating in the study were outlined, including increased self-reflection, a better understanding of their counseling strategies, and access to brief research analysis results. The researcher's contact information was provided for any inquiries or suggestions. The estimated time to complete the questionnaire was approximately 10-15 minutes. The online questionnaire was conducted in July 2023, and its content mirrored that of the paper questionnaire. Primary and secondary school counselors were requested to distribute the online questionnaire to their peers. Participants who chose to engage in the online survey were asked to read the instructions and, if they agreed to participate, proceed with the online questionnaire. Regardless of whether participants used the paper or online version, those voluntarily providing their email addresses would receive a brief summary of the research analysis results by the end of 2023 as feedback for their participation.


National Sun Yat-sen University


Education, Counseling, Bullying
