esNotch 2019 Nov

Published: 29 October 2021| Version 7 | DOI: 10.17632/xkfjrgf535.7


2021-10-29: per reader request, additional figures are provided


Steps to reproduce

Please refer to the methods section and Supplementary Figure 1 of our esNotch manuscript. The .xlsx file was created after analyzing the .fsc files. We used FlowJo and gated the subpopulation manually. Therefore, when you want to process the data again, due to the difference in manual gating, the obtained analysis results might be different from those provided in our .xlsx file (but the data trend remains). The results of experiments using K562 cells stably expressing antigens as the sender cells are shown here in the folder "similar to 1i, but using K562 antigen cells".


Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Fudan University


Cell Biology, Synthetic Biology
