HSSF CW, at a Primary school in Marrakesh
The bioreactor that was the subject of the experimental set-up is an underground subterranean wetland HSSF CW. We realized it and implemented it in a primary school in Marrakesh (Morocco) (31°42024 "N, 7°58050" W, 451m) for the purification of the greywater of this school with the aim of reusing the water treated for the watering of its green spaces, with an average annual temperature of 19 ° C and an annual rainfall of 282 mm. Our bioreactor is a rectangular tank (with dimensions 5 m long, 1.0 m wide and 0.6 m deep). Three different porous media layers were used, namely medium gravel (MG),_ne gravel (FG) and cobbles (CO). Each one represents a full compartement of 0.2m tickness and 5m long. The tank is planted using the cattails (C, Typha latifolia). Regarding other data for the CW layers, we have the following values respectively for MG, FG and CO: porosity(w) 0.33, permeability(K ):6.5710 ^-2 m2; 1.81 10 ^-3 m2 , and 9.8 10 ^-10 m2 . Condition of flow: Wastewater enters the domain through boundary 3 (a length of 1 m in the xth direction representing the mixing zone) where a constant hydraulic head of 0.6 m is defined and the effluent leaves through boundary 5 (a length of 0.1 m in the yth direction), where a constant hydraulic head of 0.5 m is defined. Boundaries 1, 2,4 and 6 represent a null fux.