Piovesello - Structure I - 3D models

Published: 19 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xmfws87nky.1
filippo zangrossi


the two folders contain the three-dimensional models of each lithic artifact of Stucture I (SI), a lithic concentration found in the gravettian archaeological site of Piovesello, Cassimoreno, Piacenza, IT.


Steps to reproduce

to obtain the virtual reconstruction of the Structure I download all the files and import them into software such as meshlab, blender, geomagic, etc. each model is positioned and oriented in space. the models are strongly decimated to speed up sharing, loading, and management. you can manage each model individually.


3D Analysis, Lithics, Spatial Analysis, Upper Paleolithic, Gravettian Culture
