Social Acceptance and Educational Aspects of Third Genders: A Case Study of Abbottabad City, Pakistan

Published: 28 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xpkpb84xss.1
Osama Muhammad Osama


Recognizing and accepting the third gender in educational settings is paramount for fostering inclusivity and social justice. It ensures that all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, have equal access to education and are protected from discrimination and stigma. By integrating the third gender into curricula and educational resources, schools can educate students and staff about gender diversity, promoting empathy and understanding. This acceptance also contributes to broader societal attitudes and legal frameworks that protect the rights of individuals of the third gender in areas beyond education. Ultimately, embracing the third gender in education not only enriches the learning environment by embracing diversity but also nurtures personal growth and empowerment among all students and educators involved.



Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Government Post Graduate College No 1 Abbottabad


Gender, Gender Difference, Discrimination, Racial Discrimination, Acceptance-Based Approach, Sex Discrimination, Gender Equality, Gender Gap, Gender Recognition, Educational equity
