Data for: A tale of two landscapes: which landscape quality metrics are truly ransferable?

Published: 9 March 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xpkwrm7kpd.1
Ruth Swetnam, Fiona Tweed


Field data describing landscape quality evaluation for 32 sites in southern and western Iceland using a visual landscape quality method. The spreadsheet contains 4 separate worksheets: 1) Site Groups - listing the type of site, the site name and number, the calculated VQI using weightings 0.5 / 0.2 / 0.2 / 0.1 (Icelandic weightings for terrain, bluespace, greenspace and built) and also for an equally weighed index. 2) Weightings - the impact of weightings at different sites and the difference between the VQI as a result of weightings 3) Sensitivity Analysis - showing worked examples and graphs 4) Summary of the visual appeal scores from 4 people compared against the Visual Quality Index. Rankings high to low also provided.



Applied Geography, GIS Databases, Landscape
