Consumer Buying Behavior towards Two-Wheeler Scooters: With Special reference to Nagpur City (Maharashtra, India)
Consumer buying behavior is an in-depth study and understanding consumer decision making process. It studies the factors and traits of individual consumer such as demographic and behavioral variable and to understand the need, wants and desire of the consumers. The two wheeler industry in India has shown a steady growth over the past decade. Any organization needs to know the motives and reasons why the consumer differs in choice from each other in buying products and services. This research paper aims to identify various factors that influence the consumer buying behavior of the two wheeler scooters in Nagpur city (Maharashtra, India). The survey conducted for this study mainly focuses on the reasons and criteria followed by consumer for buying two-wheeler scooters. This study is based on a primary data collected from the questionnaire survey conducted among 338 twowheeler users in Nagpur city. The researcher has used percentage analysis for assessing demographic profile of the respondents, factors while purchasing two-wheelers is analyzed using Likert’s scaling technique and reasons for buying two-wheeler scooter is analyzed using Garret ranking method. Keywords: Consumer, buying behavior, factors, demographic, two wheeler, scooters, etc