Data for: Electoral fraud and voter turnout: An experimental study
Published: 24 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xrksk7r4br.1
Valeria Maggian, Vardan Baghdasaryan, Giovanna IannantuoniDescription
This dataset contains the data from the a set of laboratory experiments with human subjects run at the University of Milano Bicocca. The experiment was programmed using zTree (Fischbacher, 2007). Our experimental design involved four sessions of each of our two treatments. As we have 27 subjects per session, we have collected data from a total of 216 subjects, from October 2014 to January 2015. Subjects were recruited from the undergraduate population of the University of Milano-Bicocca, via the ORSEE software (Greiner, 2004). No subject participated in more than one session of this experiment. In December 2015 we have run two additional sessions per treatment where the order of the games played by the subject was reversed.
Economics, Political Economy, Electoral Studies, Political Behavior, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Experiment, Economic Analysis of Voting Behavior