PHYSA-221568-Manuscript Data

Published: 2 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xrmzbczs7b.1
Xiangdong Liu


The manuscript data include the following: 1.Underlying network topology (adjacency matrix expression); 2.The original data of all the figures in the manuscript. Please reproduce each of the drawings in the manuscript according to the instructions below.


Steps to reproduce

1.Please use matlab to open the .mat data file in the zip archive in turn. 2.In each data file, the horizontal coordinates are consistent with the symbols in the manuscript (\alpha,K,t). 3.In each data file, the sign of the vertical coordinate with is OP_SV_name. If you encounter problems, please consult the author, who will give a reply at the first opportunity (


Applied Mathematics
