Research Findings on Bangladeshi Managers Perception to Chinese’s and Indian for Negotiation

Published: 3 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xrx54nn6gk.1
Mokarram Hussain Khan


The key objective of this research approach is to find best possible interpretation of Bangladeshi Managers perception to negotiate with Chinese and Indians. The objective is to gain comprehension knowhow to exploit some of the factors of negotiation with business people from India and China. It is great to find the peculiar and untapped information regarding both the countries in data analysis chapter, how BATNA, mediator, ease of doing business, legal issues and social context, face value, price strategy, complexity and communication behaves mathematically and in real world. Like, cultural complexity has positive correlation with BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), means it is more effective in complex society as they always look for alternative due to complexity in decision making process and for India effectively would have been 50 % in any given situation and reduces the corruption by more than 6 % in China. On the contrary, manager’s perception can be different than actual, managers think that China is more corrupt than Indian by 39% but actually, as per World Bank report, China’s score 77.9 and DB ranking 31 and India’s score is 71 and DB raking is 63.


Steps to reproduce

This study is an investigative study that examines the existing negotiation approach based on cultural dimensions in Bangladesh. Both qualitative and quantitative researches are approached and followed to prepare this report. The quantitative analysis represents a given reality in terms of data collection through structured questioners. Population of the Study To examine the objectives of the study, respondents are selected from highly recognized business houses from Dhaka. Sample Collection For this study, total 13 respondents from various organizations are taken into consideration based on international business involvement have been interviewed by asking some selected written questions. Both primary and secondary data are used for the study. Primary data is collected by informal phone calls and face to face interview of top-level executives of reputed organizations in Dhaka city to receive information on the current negotiation framework and the obstacles behind managing and running negotiation across the culture. The sampling procedure is judgmental. Secondary data is collected as well as for this study. The major sources of secondary data are the internet, articles and different journals. Design of Interview Questions Interview has been taken for this research. The questions used for interview are fixed. The questions for interview related to operating framework under which international negation approach is taken for proceeding. Data Analysis and Presentation The data have been analyzed by using Excel. In order to meet the objectives, descriptive and also statistical analysis has been conducted by calculating average weighted method and correlation. Then they have been presented and shown in tables and figures


University of Dhaka Department of Economics


International Negotiation
