The invasive Asparagopsis taxiformis hosts a low diverse and less trophic structured molluscan assemblage compared with the native Ericaria brachycarpa - data and scripts

Published: 22 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xs4t3ddgsz.1
Francesco Paolo Mancuso


This repository contains files to reproduce the analyses carried out in the paper "The invasive Asparagopsis taxiformis hosts a low diverse and less trophic structured molluscan assemblage compared with the native Ericaria brachycarpa".


Steps to reproduce

The file zip "scripts" contains the Markdown files (*.Rmd), created with the R statistical software, with all the scripts used to product the figures and tables included into the paper "The invasive Asparagopsis taxiformis hosts a low diverse and less trophic structured molluscan assemblage compared with the native Ericaria brachycarpa". The file zip "data" contains the data used from the scripts files. The html files show the results obtained from the scripts. Following the lists of the content of each Markdown file inside the Alpha_diversity (Table S3, Figure 3, Figure 4, Average alpha diversity values and Venn diagram), species_table (Tables S1 and S2), feeding.guilds (Figure S1 and Figure 5), Simper (Table 1), molluscs_analysis (Figure 6, Table S4), substrate_attributes (Table S5, Figures 7, Average substrate attributes, Table S6 and Figure 8), regrew.analysis (Table 2), heat_tree (Figure 2), and site_map (Figure 1).


Universita degli Studi di Palermo


Mollusca, Marine Biology, Coastal Habitat, Seaweed, Invasive Species Management
