Availability of antihypertensive drugs in project districts - India Hypertension Control Initiative

Published: 16 October 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/xs8dpz2z6v.2
Prabhdeep Kaur


Improving the availability of antihypertensive drugs in the India Hypertension Control Initiative, India, 2019-2020 The dataset is for the tables and figures of the manuscript under review in peer reviewed journal. The manuscript describes practices in supply chain management and challenges after implementing interventions for selecting drugs, forecasting, procurement, and distribution of antihypertensive drugs in the four Indian states implementing the IHCI project. The dataset has various indicators used to monitor the procurement and availability of drugs in the primary healthcare system in project districts.https://www.ihci.in/ for further details



National Institute of Epidemiology


Public Health, Intervention for Hypertension
