Compilation of 14C ages from Palaeolithic site Shulgan-Tash (Kapova) Cave, Southern Ural, Russia
Shulgan-Tash (a.k.a. Kapova) cave in Southern Ural, Russia is the easternmost European cave art monument of late Palaeolithic age. The data set contains 10 radiocarbon age dates from the cave published by different researchers between 1996-2016. Most of the dates were reported in difficult-to-access internal reports or proceedings, in Russian language. In many later re-publications the data were presented without explicit mentioning of whether or not the reported dates are calibrated and, sometimes, contained errors. This has led to “contamination” of the scientific record with non-calibrated 14C ages presented and interpreted (explicitly or implicitly) as calendar years. In this data set all available 14C ages from Shulgan-Tash cave are reported according to the standards of radiocarbon age presentation.