An updated skin permeation database of compounds applied as aqueous solutions in in vitro
The database represented in this article is referred to by the review article entitled “Topical drug delivery: history, percutaneous absorption and product development” (MS Roberts et al., 2021) and also in Data in Brief journal article entitled "An updated database of human maximum skin fluxes and epidermal permeability coefficients for drugs, xenobiotics and other solutes applied as aqueous solutions" (HS Cheruvu et al., 2022). This database contains maximal flux (Jmax), and permeability coefficient (kp) values collated from In Vitro human skin Permeation Test (IVPT) reports published to date for various drugs, xenobiotics and other solutes applied to human epidermis from aqueous solutions. Also included are each solute’s physicochemical properties and the experimental conditions, such as temperature, skin thickness, and skin integrity, under which the data was generated. This data base is limited to diluted or saturated aqueous solutions of solutes applied on human epidermal membranes or isolated stratum corneum in large volumes so that there was minimal change in the donor phase concentration. For further description, refer to the Data in Brief article entitled "An updated database of human maximum skin fluxes and epidermal permeability coefficients for drugs, xenobiotics and other solutes applied as aqueous solutions".
Steps to reproduce
Performed a comprehensive literature search on Google Scholar, PubMed, Elsevier and other scientific websites for compound/chemical/drug in vitro skin permeation studies using aqueous solutions from 1970's to 2020's. The 'Reference' column in the table contains author name and year that corresponds to the source article data in that row.