Flood Damage Inspection and Risk Indexing Data for an Inventory of Bridges in Central Greece

Published: 5 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xsng4r5yhk.1
Marianna Loli


Inventory data for 117 bridges in Central Greece. Flood hazard indexing and assessment of potential consequences for the transport network according to the flood risk analysis methodology documented by Loli M., Kefalas G., Dafis S., Mitoulis S.A., and Schmidt F. (2022). Flood Risk Indexing and Damage Inspection Dataset for an Inventory of Bridges in Central Greece. Science of the Total Environment. Damage inspection data after major flood that occurred in September 2020 involving 16/117 bridges and photos of the damaged bridges. All the photos are taken by Marianna Loli.


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See accompanying publication: Loli M., Kefalas G., Dafis S., Mitoulis S.A., and Schmidt F. (2022). Flood Risk Indexing and Damage Inspection Dataset for an Inventory of Bridges in Central Greece. Science of the Total Environment.


Bridge (Civil Engineering Structure), Flood, Bridge Engineering, Case Study, Building Inspection, Damage to Building
