Vehicle-bicycle interactive scenario extracted and processed from Waymo Open Dataset and Argoverse2 Dataset

Published: 17 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xsszrggm3c.1


This dataset is processed from the Waymo Open Dataset (motion part) and the Argoverse2 Dataset (motion forecasting part). This dataset includes the following content: 1. Tabular format object information of scenarios where vehicles may potentially interact with bicycles, containing trajectories and kinematic parameters of autonomous vehicles and all the road users detected by LiDAR such as vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. 2. Tabular format object information of vehicle-follow-bicycle and vehicle-overtake-bicycle scenarios where there is only one cyclist riding before the interactive vehicle and no leading vehicle in the same lane ahead, containing trajectoires and kinematic parameters of autonomous vehicles and all the road users detected by LiDAR such as vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. 3. Data processing codes.



Tongji University


Traffic Engineering
