Supplemental materials for the review "Levothyroxine: Conventional and novel drug delivery formulations"

Published: 26 June 2023| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/xsz6d54tjb.4
Ben Tsing


Supplemental materials for the review "Levothyroxine: Conventional and novel drug delivery formulations" Supplementary figure 1. The flow chart of literature selection. Supplementary figure 2. The risk factors of poor compliance. Although the percentages of poor adherence varied in different studies, on average, the percentage of poor adherence based on the Modified Morisky Adherence Scale is estimated to be ~30%, medium adherence ~40% and high adherence ~30%. The Figure was partly generated using illustrative elements from Servier Medical Art, provided by Servier, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license. The figure was not cited in the review. It should been cited in Section 3.4 Paragraph 2. Supplementary table 1. Summary of clinical studies evaluating the bioavailability of liquid LT4 and soft gel capsule in cases with interfering factors. Supplementary table 2. Summary of application of nanomaterials in the drug delivery of levothyroxine.


Steps to reproduce

The authors collected the data from the articles listed in the references.


Wuhan University Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University


Peer Review
