The acetylase activity of Cdu1 regulates bacterial exit from infected cells by protecting Chlamydia effectors from degradation
Published: 20 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xt3nmkm375.1
, Mateusz Kędzior, Robert Davidson, Stephen Walsh, Lee Dolat, Barbara Sixt, Jonathan Pruneda, Jorn Coers, Raphael ValdiviaDescription
This data set contains unprocessed and processed western blot images, indirect fluorescence images, and quantitative data sets that were used to generate all Figures in the publication "The acetylase activity of Cdu1 protects Chlamydia effectors from degradation to regulate bacterial exit from infected cells".
Duke University
Microbiology, Infectious Disease, Cell Biology, Pathogenesis, Chlamydia
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
AI103197, AI140019, AI134891