Autochthonous organic matter input in reservoirs: limited methane oxidation in sediments fails to suppress methane emission

Published: 29 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xt4nys6629.1
Shuwen Ma, Meilin Yang, Fushun Wang, Chai Luo, Peifan Xu, Jing Ma, Xueping Chen


The interception of rivers leads to the accumulation of substantial organic matter in reservoirs, exerting a significant influence on greenhouse gas emissions. The diverse imported organic matter, coupled with sedimentary heterogeneity and intricate microbial processes, gives rise to seasonal variations in methane emissions from reservoirs. In this study, sediment cores were supplemented with terrestrial and autochthonous carbon to emulate reservoir carbon input across different seasons, thereby investigating methane emission potential and associated microbial mechanisms within the sediment cores. Results demonstrate that autochthonous organic matter enhances sediment organic content, thereby providing more substrates for the methanogenic process and fostering the proliferation of methanogens (with a relative abundance of 47.17% to 60.66%). Notably, the dominant genera of Methanosaeta, Methanosarcina, and Candidatus Methanomethylicus were boost on the surface layer of sediment. Concurrently, the introduction of autochthonous organic carbon spurs an increase in methane-oxidizing microbe, reaching up to 5.59%, with Methylobacter and Candidatus Methanoperedens as the predominant species, which has led to a downward migration of the functional groups in the sediment. Under the priming impact of autochthonous carbon, however, the methane oxidation probably doesn’t consume the substantial methane produced in sediment. Consequently, the sediment functions as a hotspot for methane release into the overlying water, highlighting the necessity to include summer as critical periods for integrated assessments, particularly during algae bloom.



Shanghai University


Greenhouse Gas
