Interação entre Pesquisadores e Geração de Conhecimento Científico em PPGAs
This research investigated the role of the relations among permanent professors (DPs) of the Brazilian PPGAs in the development of knowledge in the Administration area, followed by an analysis of the PPGAs ratings in the 2013-2016 quadrennial, which were evaluated by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes). On the relational dimension of social capital, which consists of the strength of relationships - how well an individual knows his exchange partners so much is able to access and leverage resources incorporated in relationships. In order to conduct the research, a social network analysis methodology was adopted based on the extraction of secondary data from Sucupira and Lattes CNPQ platforms.
Steps to reproduce
These databases are originated from Lattes Curricula - CNPQ, and Sucupira Capes Platforms, from Brazil.