Data, methodology and result for estimating sustainability spillover effects between and within two regions

Published: 20 September 2021| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/xvd7bv6mjb.5


The three files are as follows: 1- Appendix Figures: it shows the response functions of the VAR estimations. 2- Appendix Tables: it represents all the estimations, results, coefficients and statistics, in details. 3- Data: it includes all the data for sustainable development pillars (including life expectancy, CO2 emissions per capita and GDP per capita for all the global regions. All the data are the normalized values of their natural logarithm as described in methodology. 4- EViews-Work-File: it is the working file for the software which estimates the models (i.e., EViews software). 5- Methodology in details: it describes how the model is estimated for two regions "i" and "j".



Sustainable Development, Sustainability
