Volumetric Quantifications of Areas Undergoing Retrogressive thaw slumping from ArcticDEM
Polygons of retrogressive thaw slumps mapped from ArcticDEM time series. These data are the results in a paper entitled "Volumetric Quantifications and Dynamics of Areas Undergoing Retrogressive Thaw Slumping in the Northern Hemisphere Between 2012 and 2022 ". Format: ESRI Shapefile (Polygons) Projection: EPSG:4326 (Lat/Lon WGS84) VolLatlon.shp data format: longitude, latitude, total volume of each RTS (m^3, 'volume'), median volume loss per year of each RTS (m^3/year, 'med_volperyr'), the correlation of volume loss per year with the temperature (July August, 'cor_T'), the correlation of volume loss per year with the precipitation (July August, 'cor_P07'), the correlation of volume loss per year with the precipitation (April May June, 'cor_P04'), volume loss acceleration (m^3/year^2, 'vol_acc'), uncertainty of volume loss acceleration (m^3/year^2,'vol_acc_std'). ArcticRTS.shp data format: Bounding box of the polygon, longitude, latitude, total area of each RTS (m^2), zone type, latitude and longitude of the center of the polygon, region id names (ArcticDEM convention), total volume of each RTS (m^3), total volume uncertainty (m^3), median volume loss per year (m^3/year), the uncertainty of median volume loss per year (m^3/year), mean elevation decrease over the scar area (m), peak elevation decrease (m), corresponding file names for elevation change maps.