Eye-tracking Technology in Identifying Visualizers and Verbalizers- Data on Eye-movement Differences and Detection Accuracy

Published: 2 December 2019| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/xvt962wptp.4
Zhanni Luo


The current experiment aims to reveal the eye movement differences of visualizers and verbalizers in viewing four pictures-in-text by analyzing gaze plot path and fixation data (fixation duration, fixation counts and the average time on each fixation). Even though learning style theory and its traditional assessment approach were criticized for various reasons, there is a lack of commonly-accepted alternatives for now. Therefore, to assess the accuracy of eye-tracking technology in identifying learners of these two types (visual or verbal), the traditional pencil-and-paper approach was also adopted for comparison. For this experiment, the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire was selected. This dataset presents the experiment materials (File 1), answer sheet and ILS questionnaire (File 2), raw data exported from Tobii eye-tracker (File 3 and 4), and the organized data (File 5 and 6). File 5 is the organized raw data which merges the raw data for different documents into one excel. File 6 contains the result of self-report learning styles, either visual or verbal, as well as the calculation process.


Steps to reproduce

1. Download “1 Experiment materials”, import into a Tobii eye-tracker. Use the tool provided by Tobii eye-tracker to set the visual and verbal areas of interests (AOIs). For visual AOIs, cover the images in the given materials; for verbal AOIs, cover the texts in the given materials; 2. Open the file “2 Forms: answer sheet and ILS questionnaire”, print the documents; 3. Recruit participants and start the experiment; 4. Start the eye-tracking experiment, ask participants to fill “Document 1 Answer Sheet” in the second file while reading; 5. After the eye-tracking experiment, give participants the “Document 2 ILS Scorning Sheet” and “Document 3 ILS questionnaire” in file 2. Ask them to complete the learning-style test; 6. Data analysis: export the fixation data (the file “3 Raw data, fixation data”) and gaze plot paths (the file “4 Raw data, gaze plot”) from Tobii eye-tracker. Predict participants’ styles (either visual or verbal); 7. Data analysis: analyze the self-report learning style collected by ILS questionnaire in step 5. Record participants’ styles (either visual or verbal).


University of Canterbury


Educational Technology
